Workers Compensation

Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

When you’re injured on the job, you want to know that you’ll be able to pay your medical bills, buy food for your family, and keep the lights on. A workplace injury can make you feel many anxious, unsure, and worried. Luckily, a good workers’ compensation lawyer can help you with filing your claim and working to get benefits approved. 

Here at Zweben Law Group, we have over 28 years of experience helping clients recover from workplace injuries. If you need help filing your claim or appealing a denied claim, we have a workers’ comp attorney standing by to help you. First, let’s take a look at what workers’ compensation is, some of its benefits, what it can pay for, and more.

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

In the state of Florida, all employers with four or more employees must have workers’ compensation insurance for injured workers under what’s called the no-fault system. This system basically means that the state can’t factor in fault or negligence on the employee’s part when they file their claim. 

With that said, many employers in the past have still tried to get out of paying their employees the benefits they deserve. They typically do this by alleging that the employee faked the injury, that they had a preexisting condition that caused the injury, or that the employee was not working at the time of the injury.

What Are Some Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

The type and amount of workers’ compensation benefits that you will qualify for will depend on the nature and severity of the illness or injury. Some of the most common injuries that are eligible include things like fractures, sprains, and severe cuts. 

Mental injuries tend not to get covered in Florida unless they correlate with a comparable physical injury. Your benefits can cover things like: 

  • Cost of medical treatment.
  • Disability benefits (both temporary and permanent).
  • Supplemental benefits.
  • Death benefits.

A workers’ comp lawyer will be able to look for ways to maximize the eventual benefits you receive.

How Do I File a Claim?

In Florida, injured parties typically need to file their workers’ comp claims within 30 days from the date that the accident happened. You’ll start the process by reporting the injury directly to your employer. From there, the law requires that your employer report your injury to the employer’s insurance company. 

Once the employer has spoken with the insurance company, they should give you a call and provide you with information about how to proceed with your claim. You typically have two years after the injury to file your claim and seek benefits; however, always contact a workers’ comp attorney to confirm as soon as possible, as you don’t want to miss the Statute of Limitations.

What Will It Pay For?

Workers’ compensation will likely cover any hospital, medical, or dental costs that you may have due to your work injury. These include the cost of prescriptions, and any medical supplies that you need should get covered as well. After your claim has been approved and you start getting treatment for your injury, do not miss any appointments. Skipping an appointment could lead to the revocation of your benefits.

What if My Claim Is Denied?

If you need to file a claim, or you’ve already filed but got denied, you should seek the help of an attorney. An attorney will have the skills and experience necessary to file claims and appeal denials.

Zweben Law Group in Florida Can Help

Do you need the help of a workers’ compensation lawyer? Our attorneys are well-versed in workers’ compensation law, and they can help you with your claim. Call Zweben Law Group today at 772-223-5454 to get your free, no-obligation consultation. We are based in Stuart, Florida and serving you across all of Florida.

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