Today, I’d like to discuss uninsured or underinsured motorist’s coverage here in Florida. Last week I touched on a hit & run vehicle and what type of coverages you would need on your own policy in order to go after damages you sustained from a vehicle that is no longer available, but uninsured motorist coverage is even more important here in Florida not just because of a hit & run vehicle but because in Florida drivers are not required to carry liability coverage at all. They are required to carry PIP insurance to cover their injuries and they are required to cover $10,000 of damage to your vehicle, but they don’t need to have any insurance to cover you for your injuries. So in Florida, it’s very important to check your policy and make sure you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. If a vehicle that is on the road does not have liability coverage hits you and you get injured you still have a way to get compensated for your medical bills, pain & suffering, lost wages, and all of the damages you sustained because of the negligence of that other vehicle. Uninsured motorist coverage is optional coverage but it is important so make sure you have it on your policy. I hope this was helpful, but if you have any questions at all feel free to give us a call here at Zweben Law Group.