8 Social Media Tips to Protect Your Personal Injury Claim

Adjusters and attorneys working for insurance companies will utilizes any means available to gather information on an individual filing a personal injury claim after an accident. This includes using social media to gather information and evidence in order to minimize or completely deny a claim.

Here are some social media tips to help protect your personal injury claim:

Closely monitor all comments made and all photographs posted on your Facebook page or any other social media page.Make sure to set all accounts to the highest available privacy setting.Do not discuss anything about your pending claim on any social media website.Remove any pictures, videos, comments, or blogs that are questionable and could potentially damage your claim or case.Remember to closely monitor all social media including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, personal blogs, Flickr, or any other web albums.

Google yourself using both a basic web search (remember to put your name in quotation marks) and an image search to ensure your privacy is being protected. Limit the amount of time you spend on social network sites during the pendency of your claim.Remember that anything posted online can be used against you in a court of law.

For more information on the contents of this article or any other question you may have, please schedule a free consultation with Zweben Law Group.