When you first meet with an attorney, there are many questions that they will ask you to see how your case will look. But before you hire an attorney, you want to make sure that they are the right fit for you. There are also questions that you can ask to make sure that your attorney can handle your case the best way possible. Here are the top five questions that we think you should ask an attorney before you hire them.
1. What is your area of specialty?
You want to ask this question because you want to make sure that the attorney that you are hiring handles personal injury cases specifically. You want to make sure that your attorney has experience handling these kinds of cases and has experience dealing with insurance companies.
2. How long have you been practicing law?
You want to ask this question because you want to make sure that you are dealing with a lawyer that has significant experience in this area of practice. You should be looking for an attorney who has handled hundreds, if not thousands of cases, so they know how to look out for your best interest.
3. How do your fees get paid?
Almost all Personal Attorneys should handle a case on something called a Contingency Basis; this means that you only pay money if the attorney collects money for you. The fee will be a percentage of the money that is collected. You usually do not want to pay an hourly or flat fee for a personal injury case, so make sure that you ask this question.
4. How often will you update me on my case?
You don’t want to hire an attorney and then never hear from them again and not know what is going on with your case. Make sure that your attorney will give you regular updates so that you stay informed throughout the process.
5. What can I do as a client to help with my case?
As a client, you should update your attorney on your medical condition and keep them informed throughout the process. Let them know of any changes in treatment or your doctors, and listen to what your doctors are telling you to do. Other than these few things, your attorney should handle everything else for you.